
21ideas is an open project and everyone can contribute to spreading knowledge about Bitcoin. Do you want to contribute to the development of the project and the spread of Bitcoin educational materials? This section is for you.

There are several ways to become a part of the project:

21ideas requires support #

21ideas is a non-profit project that has existed for years thanks to the persistence and resources of its founder and the support of community members. Maintaining the project, from writing and translating articles to moderating the library, requires resources. You can support the project in several ways:

Onchain #

Bitcoin address: bc1q805dq3u6t76nd5av3jdln0vy6zxt4y5djem4s5


You can also support the project by going to our page on Tallycoin.

Lightning #

Lightning address:


The project has a Geyser page too.

Other #

Contact us to obtain the necessary details:

Телеграм: @Tony_Lightning



You can also specify the purpose for which you’d like the funds sent to be used, whether it’s to translate or write a specific article, or to improve the resource in some way. More details about this are in the README file on our GitHub.

Articles #

If you are an author or translator, you can contact us and suggest any material you would like to publish on the 21ideas website. Guides and a description of the process for adding new material to the site are available at the following links:

Have questions? Visit our Telegram chat.

Edits #

Found typos, inaccuracies or outdated information? Prepare a pool request with edits. One of the project participants will definitely consider your proposal and either accept the edits or comment on your proposal in GitHub.
