
Part III

March 8, 2021
Bitcoin, Lightning, Scalability, Future, Blockchain


This essay by Dhruv Bansal was published in Unchained blog.


This is Part III in a series of speculations about the hyperbitcoinized future. In Part I, we defined the First Law of Bitcoin Astronomy and described how it leads to new blockchains as humanity expands through the solar system. In Part II, we described a Second Law which leads to nested blockchains the size of solar systems and beyond, hashing vast energies on cosmic timescales.


Bitcoin Is Not Too Volatile

August 9, 2019
Bitcoin, Economics, Gradually Then Suddenly, Volatility


This article by Parker Lewis was first published in Unchained blog.


Part III. Technological Teachings of Bitcoin

April 2, 2019
Philosophy, Bitcoin


This article by Gigi was published on website.


What is Bitcoin? The many answers to this question are as interesting as they are varied. Bitcoin is both a social and a monetary phenomenon, but it is also a technological one. The intersection of many disciplines is what makes Bitcoin endlessly fascinating. Like many others, I began to stumble down this strange rabbit hole a while ago. Even though this article is the last of this series, I am still stumbling down with no end in sight, and I invite you to stumble along with me.


Part II: Hashcash or How Adam Back Designed Bitcoin’s Motor Block

June 4, 2018
Bitcoin, History, Cypherpunks, Genesis


A look at how the technology underlying Hashcash — proof of work — would shape research into digital money for more than a decade to come.


5 tips for teaching Bitcoin

September 23, 2022

This article by John Tinkelenberg was published in Casa blog.


It’s easy to adopt bitcoin as an individual, but sharing your knowledge with others — or orange-pilling as we say in the industry — can be hard. Bitcoin is often a tricky subject to discuss with friends and relatives in addition to being a completely different asset to own and manage.

Now that bitcoin is mainstream, most of us are exploring bitcoin for the first time. Here’s a primer for sharing your enthusiasm for bitcoin with those you care about.


Глава 1. Биткоин — это идея

June 14, 2021
Биткоин, Идея, Bitcoin, Proof-of-Work


Главная страница

Глава 1: Биткоин – это идея

Глава 2: Биткоин – это время

Глава 3: Биткоин – волшебные интернет–деньги

Глава 4: Биткоин – разумные деньги

Глава 5: Биткоин – лучшие деньги, которые у нас когда–либо были

Глава 6: Биткоин – это цифровая редкость

Глава 7: Биткоин – это абсолютная редкость

Глава 8: Биткоин – это машина истины

Глава 9: Биткоин – это страхование богатства


Глава 2: Атрибуты хорошего средства сбережения

May 8, 2021
Книга, Bitcoin, Новичкам


Когда различные средства сбережения  конкурируют друг с другом, специфические атрибуты определяют победителя, спрос на которого будет со временем увеличиваться. Исторически сложилось так, что многие товары использовались в качестве средства сбережения, и время показало, что идеальное средство сбережения обладает следующими качествами:


What is Coldcard?

July 3, 2020
Bitcoin, Hodl, Cold Storage, Hardware Wallet, Security

This guide by Bitcoin Q+A was published on website.


What is Coldcard? #

Coldcard is a hardware wallet designed by the Coinkite team. A hardware wallets is a device with one main purpose, to keep your bitcoin private keys safe and secure. Anyone with access to your private keys has access to all of the bitcoin in that wallet. Coldcard does not come with its own app or any additional software. What you connect it with is completely up to you.


Bitcoin Does Not Waste Energy

August 16, 2019
Bitcoin, Economics, Gradually Then Suddenly, Pow", Proof-of-Work


This article by Parker Lewis was first published in Unchained blog.


Part III: If Bitcoin Had a First Draft, Wei Dai’s B-Money Was It

June 14, 2018
Bitcoin, History, Cypherpunks, Genesis


This article by Aaron van Wirdum was published in Bitcoin Magazine.
