
Bitcoin Can’t Be Copied

August 2, 2019
bitcoin, economics, pow, proof-of-work, tokenomics, altcoins

Contents ... Gradually, Then Suddenly: Intro Bitcoin Can’t Be Copied Bitcoin Is Not Too Volatile Bitcoin Does Not Waste Energy Bitcoin is Not Too Slow Bitcoin Fixes This Bitcoin, Not Blockchain Bitcoin is Not Backed by Nothing Bitcoin is Not a Pyramid Scheme Bitcoin Cannot be Banned Bitcoin is Not for Criminals Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money Bitcoin is a Rally Cry Bitcoin is Common Sense Bitcoin is Antifragile Bitcoin is One for All Bitcoin is the Great Definancialization This article by Parker Lewis was first published in Unchained blog. ...

Bitcoin Does Not Waste Energy

August 16, 2019
bitcoin, economics, gradually then suddenly, pow, proof-of-work

Contents ... Gradually, Then Suddenly: Intro Bitcoin Can’t Be Copied Bitcoin Is Not Too Volatile Bitcoin Does Not Waste Energy Bitcoin is Not Too Slow Bitcoin Fixes This Bitcoin, Not Blockchain Bitcoin is Not Backed by Nothing Bitcoin is Not a Pyramid Scheme Bitcoin Cannot be Banned Bitcoin is Not for Criminals Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money Bitcoin is a Rally Cry Bitcoin is Common Sense Bitcoin is Antifragile Bitcoin is One for All Bitcoin is the Great Definancialization This article by Parker Lewis was first published in Unchained blog. ...

Bitcoin Is Not Harmful For The Environment

April 12, 2021
bitcoin, environment, pow, proof-of-work

This article by Peter St. Onge was first published on Mises Institute website. Contribute. One popular critique of bitcoin is energy cost per transaction. This doesn’t begin to capture bitcoin’s massive energy savings compared to fiat currency. Bitcoin’s cost per transaction is well known, and often critiqued; one article in Wired magazine called bitcoin “[a] big middle finger to earth’s climate.” This is because bitcoin’s security, redundancy, and architecture are more energy intensive than traditional payments relying on a single point of failure. ...

Who Controls Bitcoin Core?

December 15, 2018
bitcoin, protocol, pow, proof-of-work

Understanding how the focal point of Bitcoin development operates. This article by Jameson Lopp was published in his blog. Contribute. if you’d prefer to consume this essay in audio format, you can listen to it here (narrated by Guy Swann of the Bitcoin Audible Podcast.) The question of who controls the ability to merge code changes into Bitcoin Core’s GitHub repository tends to come up on a recurring basis. This has been cited as a “central point of control” of the Bitcoin protocol by various parties over the years, but I argue that the question itself is a red herring that stems from an authoritarian perspective — this model does not apply to Bitcoin. ...